Can't remember phone numbers, worried about an upcoming exam or desperately want to give up smoking? In future, the answer will be simple: just pop a pill.
a new report by leading scientists in the fields of psychology and neuroscience argues that, very soon, there really will be a pill for every ill."It is possible that [advances] could usher in a new era of drug use without addiction," said the report by Foresight, the government's science-based thinktank.
"In a world that is increasingly non-stop and competitive, the individual's use of such substances may move from the fringe to the norm."
However, the report said the widespread adoption of new brain-enhancing drugs was not without risks and would raise "significant ethical, social and practical issues."
Being the cynic that I am--A)I don't believe it's really going to happen in my lifetime. B)If it does happen in my lifetime I believe it will be good mankind.
That is an interesting post, thinking. I had exactly the opposite response. I figured that the pharmeceutical industry will indeed make these things a reality. But, it will be a horendous development. Not salvation by therapy, but salvation by chemistry. The reduction of all human life (in our minds) to how one feels. No longer having to ask the questions that naturally arise from suffering and struggle -- What does it mean? what should I learn? do I need God? It seems to me that it is Garden of Eden temptation all over again -- eating of the fruit of knowledge that we deem good. Allowing ourselves to remove all suffering?
Confession, I hadn't read the article when I posted before. One important correction to my original comment, I meant to write, "B) If it does happen in my lifetime I believe it WILL NOT be good for mankind."
Intriguing... and it sounds like I was very mistaken, this is already happening in my lifetime. The first illustration that millions of people are already using a brain-altering drug to improve alertness... caffiene, hit me square in the head. I also agree with you that (if it can happen) it will, if there's more money to be made in mind-altering medicine it will be made.
I don't see the article as any indication of medicine being used to alleviate human suffering (that use of medicine already exists). The article seems to be suggesting that medicene is being developed that will inhance mental performance--something like a "brain-steroid" if you will--and help overcome addictions. It really does resemble "A Brave New World" doesn't it?
Overcoming addictions I like, inhancing brain-power I'm much more leary of--although I could have used some of these "medications" when I was studying under you in seminary!
My only skeptism before was about the available technology to produce these drugs--but we're cloning animal life, aren't we? And the article gives several examples of milder drugs already being used... who am I to doubt science and it's unlimited ambitions?
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