Friday, July 22, 2005

Now a California liberal fears Bush because he exercises

This inane post is just too stupid to pass up. Jonathat Chait thinks the President is "a little creepy" because he is a major proponent of rigorous physical exercise.

Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy.

Given the importance of his job, it is astonishing how much time Bush has to exercise. His full schedule is not publicly available. The few peeks we get at Bush's daily routine usually come when some sort of disaster prods the White House Press Office to reveal what the president was doing "at the time." Earlier this year, an airplane wandered into restricted Washington air space. Bush, we learned, was bicycling in Maryland. In 2001, a gunman fired shots at the White House. Bush was inside exercising. When planes struck the World Trade Center in 2001, Bush was reading to schoolchildren, but that morning he had gone for a long run with a reporter. Either this is a series of coincidences or Bush spends an enormous amount of time working out.
This sort of stupidity is published in the LA Times, the paper of record that probably has more readers per capita who are obsessed with exercise than any paper in the country. (THINK Hollywood)

Chait, as far as I recall, never seemed too worried that Bill Clinton seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time over-eating. Or that he had plenty of spare time on his hands to spend with Monica Lewinsky -- in the Oval Office!

It is a sad thing to see political commentary in a major newspaper devolve to this level of adolescent tripe. Maybe it would be better if President Bush were out of shape?

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