Thursday, July 14, 2005

When Technology runs ahead of moral reflection

.... what to do?

This article reports on the bioethics discussions regarding whether or not scientists should inject human stem cells into chimp brains as a way to research for a cure for human diseases of the brain.

Here's a sample -- but read it all.

The insertion of human stem cells into monkey brains runs a "real risk" of altering the animals' abilities in ways that might make them morally more like us, scientists said today.

A panel of 22 experts -- including primatologists, stem cell researchers, lawyers and philosophers -- debated the possible consequences of the technique for more than a year.

While the group agrees it is "unlikely that grafting human stem cells into the brains of non-human primates would alter the animals' abilities in morally relevant ways," the members "also felt strongly that the risk of doing so is real and too ethically important to ignore."

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