Monday, June 05, 2006

Oh, No! Now there's a "science" that studies people who get "pissed-off"

This is zany, to me. A new "study" released has decided that road rage behavior is attributable to a cognitive condition. Intermittent explosive disorder.

Here's a bit:

"People think it's bad behavior and that you just need an attitude adjustment, but what they don't know ... is that there's a biology and cognitive science to this," said Dr. Emil Coccaro, chairman of psychiatry at the University of Chicago's medical school.

Road rage, temper outbursts that involve throwing or breaking objects and even spousal abuse can sometimes be attributed to the disorder, though not everyone who does those things is afflicted.

By definition, intermittent explosive disorder involves multiple outbursts that are way out of proportion to the situation. These angry outbursts often include threats or aggressive actions and property damage. The disorder typically first appears in adolescence; in the study, the average age of onset was 14.

Here's the problem as I see it with this kind of "science." If not everyone who intermittently explodes has the affliction, how does one know who does and who doesn't. Secondly, how does one conclude that a condition is environmentally induced or a matter of one's chemistry? Thirdly, the psychiatric guild is bent, for the most part, on treating persons as a set of chemical interactions. (It's good for the pharmaceutical industry.) Fourth, what if the problem is not people's chemistry, but society's inhumane pace that a prompts this tendency in some people to manifest itself. At an earlier time in history, maybe there were social outlets that no longer really exist today. Is it not possible that some of the persons who settled the West might have been prone to violence and what promted them to migrate was the thought of not haveing to deal with people in urban settings?

So. . . . scientists have found out that some people have worse tempers than others. Well, my grandmother knew that and as she would say: 'Bless their hearts, they just need some time to settle down."

Modern society does not afford that for persons. High stress jobs plus high stress commutes plus high stress families plus high stress. . . . Something has got to give.

Come Holy Spirit, and you shall renew the face of the earth.

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