Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Billy Preston and Baby Boomers

Billy Preston, muscian from the early 70's and beyond, has died. I remember dancing and "grooving," as we used to say, to his music as a high school student. His passing is one more reminder to my generation that our days are numbered -- individually and generationally.
Preston's most famous song was entitled "Nothing from Nothing Leaves Nothing." That's not a bad thing for those of us who want to live meaningful lives to remember.

If we build our lives on things that don't last for eternity, then we are building on "nothing." And when you consider a life that has lived for things that don't last and it comes to an end, then you have nothing really left.

Let's recall the words of St. Paul in I Corinthians -- If we build on the foundation of Christ with wood and hay and stubble, then it will all be lost in the fire of God's holiness. The person might be saved, but it will be as one who has escaped the fire and has nothing left.

Link to news about Preston

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