Tuesday, June 06, 2006

John O'Sullivan's "review" of Ramesh Ponnuru's new book is a must read

Find it here

He has hit the nail on the head, as the saying goes, when he says " what people think about abortion is strongly influenced by what they know."

Roe and Doe together allow a woman and her doctor to have a legal abortion for any reason at any time before birth and arguably even during birth. The courts have confirmed this in countless cases but especially in those striking down state and federal laws to prohibit or regulate “partial birth abortion”—i.e., the procedure in which a baby is partly delivered and, while in the birth canal, has his or her skull crushed and his or her brains sucked out.

Most Americans don’t know this is legal. If they did, they would oppose it. We reasonably infer this from the 2003 Gallup poll that 68 percent of Americans thought that abortion should be “generally illegal” in the second trimester, let alone the third. This popular opposition has grown slowly but steadily for at least the last decade.

But in Britian, where abortion on demand through all trimesters is not a constitutional right one can read, according to O'Sullivan:

The London Sunday Telegraph said in a recent editorial: “The elimination of abortion is not a practical possibility. Its reduction, however, is a moral necessity.” MPs are considering the introduction of non-government bills to achieve that.
Link to it above and read the entire thing.

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