Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Supreme Hope for overturning Partial-birth abortion

Ed Whelan posts the following at Bench Memos.

AP is reporting that the Supreme Court has granted review of one of the court of appeals decisions invalidating the federal ban on partial-birth abortion. That should mean that the case will be set for oral argument in October (or possibly November) 2006. Given Justice Kennedy's dissent from the Court's 2000 ruling on a state partial-birth abortion statute in Stenberg v. Carhart, there should be five votes now to overturn that execrable ruling.

Please, God, let Ed's observations be correct about Justice Kennedy.

For the life of me, I have never been able to fathom how even abortion rights proponents can countenance the barbarism of partial birth abortion, given that the child is killed in the process of being born into the world. GO HERE for facts about this horrific and indefensible practice

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